Isabella är Varumärkeschef för VBG och fokuserar på både framtida produktutvecklingsprojekt och strategisk och operativ varumärkeskommunikation. Hon har varit i fordonsbranschen i över 20 år och har både en ingenjörs- och marknadsbakgrund. Hon kommer från Norrland och tycker om att vara aktiv på sin fritid, att resa, åka skidor och vara ute i naturen med familj och vänner.
Isabella is working as the Brand manager for VBG and is focusing at future product development projects as well as strategic and operative brand communication. She’s been within the automotive industry for more than 20 years and has both an engineering- and marketing background. She comes from the North of Sweden and likes to be active at her spare time, travelling, skiing and being out in the nature with family and friends.
Isabella er Varemærkechef på VBG. Hun fokuserer både på fremtidige projekter inden for produktudvikling samt strategisk og operativ branding af VBG. Hun har været i køretøjsbranchen i 22 år og har både en ingeniør- og markedsuddannelse. Isabella kommer fra Norrland og holder af at være aktiv i sin fritid med at rejse, stå på ski og være på havet i familiens båd med familie og venner.
5 Places in the Nordics Worth an Extra Stop This Summer
Is the road your workplace, do you have fixed rest areas, and are you used to adhering to regulations on breaks and driving times? Just remember that it’s ...
Professional drivers constitute the occupational category that reports the most workplace accidents in relation to the number of employed persons according to ...
How will we solve the acute shortage of drivers? Are technological innovations the answer? Or will a new view of the profession ensure that smart transport ...
As Fleet Manager, you surely know which needs your business has with regard to vehicles and which solutions are best suited to your drivers’ circumstances. ...
How can I recruit skilled drivers for a profitable and sustainable future?
All forecasts indicate that quantities of transported goods will increase in the future. While demand for transport rises, there is an urgent need for a ...
The new year is fast approaching, and with it a new decade which will hopefully offer new, exciting challenges. However, before we ring in the new year, we ...