How do you get a profitable vehicle combination?

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As Fleet Manager, you surely know which needs your business has with regard to vehicles and which solutions are best suited to your drivers’ circumstances. Sometimes, however, it can be good idea to broaden your perspective and ask whether there may be more aspects to consider when the time comes to upgrade your vehicle fleet. 

The degree of flexibility and customisation in your transport needs are determined by the vehicle combination, i.e. the truck and trailer together. A wealth of options exists, and making the right choice is not easy.

There are a number of direct and indirect aspects to consider before making a decision. These aspects all have the potential to positively affect your business, provided that you carry out a basic needs analysis at the start. What will the vehicle combination be used for? Will it drive on national or international roads? These are just two questions you should ask before deciding on which vehicle combination is right and most profitable for your business.

In addition to these questions, it is always wise to contact a specialist to gain more in-depth knowledge of, for example, what legal requirements exist and whether any regulation changes may be coming into force in the near future.

To ensure your vehicle combination is a profitable and sustainable investment, we have compiled a guide with tips on what to consider when designing a vehicle combination.

Read our 6 tips when designing a vehicle combination

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