Why Should You Regularly Check Your Trailer Coupling?

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To ensure that road safety devices, such as trailer couplings, function optimally, they require inspections and maintenance. With minor effort, you can keep your truck’s coupling in good condition, while at the same time feeling safe on the roads. Following below are a few simple tips to help you contribute to road safety.

Daily inspections

Before the start of the workday, you can perform coupling and decoupling to make sure it functions smoothly. Check that the coupling is not too dry (use a little mechanical oil to lubricate the mechanism under the grease plugs) and if your truck is equipped with VBG Mechmatic, make sure it is charged. It is important that the mechanism locks securely when coupled to ensure safe driving. Once you have tested this and checked the lubrication, you have done the most important equipment check for the day. Also check for any visible damage to the equipment.

Professional service

After your vehicle has passed 60,000 km, for example, it is important to carry out a major inspection of all the trailer coupling system’s functions and parts. The easiest way to do this is through your certified service workshop.

Where do I find my service documents?

VBG provides several service documents that help you in your workday, both as a user and if you work at a service workshop. To keep track of the condition of your trailer coupling, we recommend the following documents specifically:
User manuals, couplings
Guidelines for maintenance, couplings

You can also download a checklist that provides simple and quick tips to help you keep your VBG equipment in good condition. Good luck!

Quick checklist ENG


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