Elmia Lastbil 2024: The Transition of the Transport Industry

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The Elmia Lastbil 2024 trade fair offered four interesting and intense days. Visitors from both the haulage and transport industries, along with truck enthusiasts, were in attendance to see the best that the transport industry has to offer.

Safety, electrification, and sustainability on the agenda

The trade fair focused on a clear theme: the transition that the transport industry is facing. The transition is ongoing and widespread, and the goal is a more efficient, profitable, and sustainable industry.

High Capacity Transport was discussed extensively at our stand as well as in daily seminars. That longer and heavier transports are allowed on the Swedish road network for the purpose of transporting larger volumes of goods while generate fewer emissions is something that we have written a lot about.

The transition to more sustainable fuels to reduce environmentally harmful emissions was also a recurring theme in the trade fair seminars and among exhibitors.

Who will ensure that Sweden rolls into the future?

The supply of skills in the industry has been a hot topic of discussion for many years. How will the industry meet the need for new and more drivers, service technicians, and heavy vehicle mechanics in the bodybuilding industry? There are things that we manufacturers of system solutions can do to increase safety and make the workdays of future drivers simpler. It has therefore been invaluable to talk to those of you who use our products on a daily basis and hear your feedback.

The sustainability of drivers today was also highlighted at Elmia Lastbil by a visit to our tent by “Chaufför i rörelse” Peter Martinsson, who demonstrated simple exercises that you as a driver can do to ensure your body can cope throughout your working life.

During School Day, we were visited at the VBG stand by many teachers and students from high school transport courses around Sweden. What a pleasure it was to meet and talk to our future customers and users. The question we posed to the students on the School Day quiz was “Why should you lubricate your coupling?” A seemingly simple question, but it is extremely important to understand when the students enter the real world, since many systems and details will require attention when they drive their trucks.

Full speed ahead on safe roads with VBG

At our stand, our new driver-assist system, VBG Driver Assist, was showcased on all four days. Our sales representatives and Sam von Denali demonstrated and explained how the system can support drivers during reversing and by providing a jackknife warning. Another purpose of the system is to reduce repair costs and downtime caused by jackknifing damage. In addition, we showcased our drawbar concept, ranger coupling and much more.

In total, over 31,000 visitors were in attendance to meet industry colleagues and gain and share knowledge about the transport industry. Thank you to everyone who came to the VBG stand! Your feedback and the interesting discussions ensure that we - together - can make our roads safer and that we can further improve our company.

Do you have ideas about the transport industry?

Do you contemplate innovative solutions and do you have exciting ideas that could make your workday easier and increase safety on our roads?

Do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our experts to discuss how we can contribute to a safer society together.


Can’t get enough of VBG and Elmia Truck trade fair?

Visit our Instagram account to see everything that happened at VBG’s stand on 21-24 August in Jönköping at Elmia Truck 2024.

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