Tobias är VP R&D och arbetar med framtida produktutveckling samtidigt som han har ansvarar för att utreda och hålla sig ajour med lagstiftning och standarder som berör hela VBG Truck Equipments produktsortiment. Han har varit verksam inom fordonsindustrin över 20 år, både som ingenjör och i företagsledning. Tobias är född och uppvuxen på den svenska västkusten och brinner för friluftsliv hela året om. På havet, i skogen och på fjället.
Tobias is the Vice President R&D at VBG Group Truck Equipment with a focus on future products, regulations and standards for VBG Truck Equipment. He has been in the automotive business for over 20 years, both as an engineer and in company management. He is born and raised on an island in the archipelago of the Swedish West coast and has a great interest in the outdoor life at sea, in the forest, and in the mountains.
Tobias er Vice President R&D og fokuserer på fremtidige produktudviklingsprojekter, lovgivning og standarder, der påvirker produkter inden for VBG Truck Equipment. Han har været aktiv i bilindustrien i over 20 år, både som ingeniør og ledelse. Tobias er født og opvokset på den svenske vestkyst og er lidenskabelig for friluftsliv hele året rundt. På havet, i skoven og på bjerget.
~ 5 min
How is HCT developing in the Nordics and EU?
The work to develop High Capacity Transport is ongoing in countries in the Nordic region and in the EU. Major investments are being made intro road networks as ...
How does the new legislation for underrun protection affect me?
On 1 September 2019, new regulations concerning underrun protection (UNECE R58 Revision 3) came into force. The new regulations affect many operators in the ...
What is the Maximum Permitted Weight and Length for Freight Transport in the Nordics?
Regulations on the length and weight of freight transport differ significantly in the Nordic countries. Finland stands out in terms of “longest and heaviest” ...
What’s going on in the EU when it comes to the transport industry?
How will the transport industry evolve? Which topics are on the EU’s agenda with the aim of promoting road safety and harmonising the rules around vehicle ...
Future Freight Transport – Urbanisation and Electrification
Electrification and smart distribution solutions that include HCT are needed for further developing freight transport in order to meet the requirements for ...
That development is moving towards longer and heavier freight transport, which we call High Capacity Transport (HCT), is indisputable. But why is it desirable?